online pad for this track: From library studies working on archiving the work of an artist. From there looking at 'non-developer' uses of git as a versioning system. Some angles / questions: in what ways could Github be useful as an archive? how does the network get activitated and stay active within Github? what roles do concepts such as provenance, appraisal and selection have in Github? how to capture the context of the network? what are ways to repurpose Github for archivists / non-coders? how to extend the 'life of documents' by means of forking? This track will acquint participants with git and github, by working together on repurposing Github's functionality and experimenting with how version control can be integrated in the practice of creating an archive. At the same time, exploring the post-life of github repositories through forking, as a method of building on the work of others and creating new archives. Alongside the practical experimentation, and in order to gain a better understanding of the underlying, but omnipresent, structures that support these archives and projects, we will also discuss the value of these networked archives / projects. If networked archives/projects are influenced by material conditions and take place through relations and being part of socially organised systems, then how do different elements and entities influence each other, its aesthetic and development? How are these networks articulated and how do they evolve? What are the different stages of (aesthetic, social and technological) development? What is the impact of changes from inside and outside influences, whether networks are dependent on specific structures or formations, or what kind of systems support or obstruct the evolution of networks? How open are they and when do they transform into something else? In what ways will variable or versioned networked archives affect the authority of the institutional organisation? How will their power in the era of openness, self-referential systems and active users change in favour of (co-)developing strategies that bridge varieties of cultural actors and professionals? To answer some of the question we will also discuss some existing examples/text/research, for example [perhaps prep. reading]: - Fuller et al. "Big Diff, Granularity, Incoherence, and Production." In Memory in Motion: Archives, Technology, and the Social, edited by Ina Blom et al. - free download - Hui, Yuk and Harry Halpin. 2013. Collective Individuation: The Future of the Social Web. In Unlike Us Reader. Social Media Monopolies and Their Alternatives. INC Reader 8, edited by Geert Lovink and Miriam Rasch. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 103-16. - Lovink, Geert and Ned Rossiter. 2005. Dawn of the Organised Network. The Fibreculture Journal. Vol. 5, No. 29. Website - Tufekci, Zeynep. Twitter and Tear Gas. The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest. New Haven/London: Yale University Press, 2017. Chapter: The Networked Public - free download - Mansoux, Aymeric, "Fork the System", chapter 8.2 in Mansoux, Sandbox Culture, 2017, PhD dissertation. PDF: - Snelting, Femke, "Distribtued Version Control." in: Conversations: pp. 109-29. - Ofer Bergman and Steve Whittaker, The science of managing out digital stuff Some practical examples / initiatives : / The Syrian Archive Community architecture (RedHat) Self-archiving, open access repository for art publications Version control in the arts and in arts' conservation: Raphael Bastide 1962 project >> influenced by Robert Morris' Location (1962) Do it manual Raphael Lozanno-Hammer Brandon (web work restoration) [from 15:20] >> / Github for designers? <- presented at LGM2016, in a presentation that fethisized the 'genius' of the artist. Self-archiving: Non-code based github projects: Flashbake Marriage proposal of GitHub Why GitHub cannot host the Linux kernel communituy On github centralization / monopoly: Le danger Github (revu et augmenté) : The Problem With Putting All the World's Code in GitHub: GitHub is too centralized: GitHub was down: aaaaaaaaaaaan slideshow Program outline [under construction] DAY 1: Into: What are are going to be looking at in this track? DAY 2: 10:30 - 13:00 morning session - Version control through git: Git Physical (workshop): Git-physical -- Part 1: workshop (no computers needed) -- Part 2: CLI exercise --- Markdown syntax --- Browser markdown editor --- Vim documentation - Toolbox: Skills and technology (overview) 14:00 - 18:00 afternoon session Introduction into archival practices: Institutional vs grass roots - Slides Annet: Human capital: Communities and networks (discussion) Materials from the Poortgebouw Archive: What we can experiment with? (ideation) DAY 3: 10:30 - 13:00 morning session Archive's aim: Definition, audience/users, and evolution (discussion) Planning and execution: further experimenting with tools Reflection 14:00 - 18:00 afternoon session Networks: from theory to practice and practice to theory - how to create sustainability - reflection on existing models/guides (for example, Red Hat / Mozilla / Internet Archive / Wiki-media-pedia-data / ANT / Hui&Halpin) Metadata and categorisation vs folksonomies, or/and search engines (visual versus text) DAY 4: Self-directed work t.b.d. depending on the process and progress of the previous day DAY 5: Presentations: what do we (not) have and why is that important a link to the Poortgebouw Archive project: Note: the Poortgebouw archive project is part of the exhibition (the exhibition ended) --- Notes from the track introductions The track was a merge of two tracks. One being around git & version control. Git was never introduced in Miglena's design and library degree. Raphael bastide, uses github for non-code-based work. He is documenting his sculptures through git. Versioning control appeared for Miglena during her studies in document management systems. Version control systems offer a combination of - document records - file system Interest in the context of art and design Annet's interests How incredibly standardized the archive discourse is. Coming from a media art background. How can git and version control systems being used to archiving systems? Versions are difficult to retrace in archive systems. Specifically worked in net-based art projects, there are a few examples to list. *** There are also downsides on the element of version control systems, as there are things you don't want to keep. Example of a versioning controlled net-art work: Guggenheim museum is using versioning control to track changes that they make in the files and code. But, the code and neither the comments are published. The museum has only published an article about the proces. Did they use git only for themselves? To be able to go back if needed? Github is used as a publishing platform in some cases, but then the versioning control side is not used at all. This is also the case for many font projects. But even then github is useful, because you can fork the font. The blockchain as a technique that re-fetishizes the original. Depending on your intention, how do you use git in your practise? What does versioning control mean for a designer? What do you do with all the versions? How do you select? What is the moment you want to save or commit? An example of OSP's Visual Culture, which is a tool that is made for the OSP website, coming from an aim to track visual versions. Wednesday 30th of August POORTGEBOUW discussion legal purpose: local autonomous, using media wiki > annotate around the document / how people interact with the documents. Problem/challenge people, documents and relation between them, and technical aspects. documents don’t change but meta data might change and the context. Legal aspects and cultural relevance. What’s done / workflow: selection documents, OCR, title, date, author, upload, create page in wiki, people in community comment/add. Categories: many talks, no coherent plan, also documents incoherent – sof or now it is restricted to years + keywords/labels. Like to create different ways of relations, explore semantic challenges + make visualisation and timeline. Disadvantage that media wiki uses a lot of plug ins that aren’t always maintained. archive based on media wiki, also tried semantic wiki and active archive system by constant other examples: library stack IISG, Amsterdam might be interesting to parallel archiving May Day Rooms, London git hub restriction 100 mb how to make version control more user-friendly, if assuming that it might become a commonality in few years? what are the needs: historical, curatorial etc > flexibility in mode of access differences media wiki - git media wiki whan it's working it's useful and accessible to work with, but when it falls over becomes more difficult to retrace files, might be the other way around with git (as it is just files). media wiki not just a protocol also interface, git is essentially a protocol not an interface git is made for tree hierarchies, media wiki more about categories / groups which are more horizontal to each other Autonomous (Poortgebouw) Archive http://autonomousarchive.local Relearn archive different version control systems of the etherpads on complex.local * timeslider in the etherpad interface * etherpad version control in the mysql database (saves every change of character? apparently timeslider is not every keypress maybe each second. timeslider use mysql database?) * etherdump diffhtml (with a rhytm of 5 min) * gitlab account, where the etherdump will be pushed to when relearn is over (static) Etherdump version control excercise The bare repository is located at /var/www/html/git/etherdump-version-control.git To clone the git repository: $ git clone username@ to upload a file to complex.local $ scp filename.pdf complex.local: > this will upload it to your user's home $ scp filename.pdf complex.local:/var/www/html/ > this will upload it to the main folder that you see when you go to complex.local Thursday 31 August compare different systems: media wiki (autonomous archive/poortgebouw) / git lab (relearn) / git lab (documentation/conservation related) / etherpad come up with arguments to use (not use) these systems as archival tools questions / versioning: what is the added value define the goals describe the (re)user functions / functionality; what doed it do/need to do/not do how to appraise/select integrate metadata/commit README (a start) A public archive of/for Relearn. For the new group of Relearn next year. And for people that did not attend Relearn before. What is it that we want to save? The content? The questions that were asked? The structured? If we focus on the structure, the content is left open to be filled in, in a next year. - The etherdump gitlab repository from Michael Two things that need to be done before publishing the etherdump * links need to be transferred to the internal files * copyrighted material is excluded (such as books/music) * images could be translated into elements, to see them immediately in the .html files Preparing etherpads during the week for archiving them into different file types The tool etherdump parses the text on the etherpads as markdown. Markdown syntaxt such as headers (#header will make a
element) are useful, as they can then be transformed into html/pdf/other documents. (well... not in this version on our server...) * List elements: one suggestion is to use the bullet points from etherpad to make lists, as they will transform into