Relearn 2017 Unibash README Unibash is an experiment with bash, unicode and etherpad. It's essentially a collection of bash scripts, with single-glyph names, using unicode icons as meaningful (?) names. Providing commands to download content from a pad (↓), upload content to a pad (↑) or excute as script from a pad (☁). Essentially allowing for the pads to be used as stdin & stdout. TODO: use a convention for stdin & stdout, perhaps stdpad? Installing unibash: mkdir unibash && cd unibash curl > curl > chmod +x ./ curl > README sudo ./ Testing it, The following command should produce Hello, world!: ☁ hello-world Available commands: ↓ [padname] (unicodepoint 2193) || DOWN Downloads the content from the given padname and sends it to stdout ↓ test | less ↑ [padname] (unicodepoint 2191) || UP Takes the content from stdin and uploads it to the given pad echo "Hello, world" | ↑ unibash-example ☁ [padname] (unicodepoint 2601) || EXPAD Executes the code on the given padname. Be carefull! there are no safety checks. Please read the code on the pad before you execute it! ☁ hello-world 🌩 [binname] [padname] || EXPADBIN Send the content of the pad as a file to the given binary. Be carefull! there are no safety checks. Please read the code on the pad before you execute it! 🌩 node hello-world-node 🗊 [padname] (unicodepoint 1f5ca) || PAD Convenience function. Transform a name into a pad-url 🗊 hello-world Examples Download content of a pad. Sort it with local function, upload again: ↓ test | sort | ↑ test-sorted Download content of a pad. Sort it with the sort function on the pads, upload again: ↓ test | ☁ sort | ↑ test-sorted