Writing to read(me) Etherpad is ... a collaborative document writing tool in real time. There is an Etherpad API which means you can do many wonderful things: http://etherpad.org/doc/v1.3.0/#index_http_api great for writing documentation or taking notes collaboratively. It stores the notes in the database, it stores every edit in a mysql database. Etherdump is ... a packet sniffer which allows us to dump raw ethernet frames for parsing. you can check the whole etherpad collections over here: what is tangibly left of Relearn at the end of the week (see 2014 http://relearn.be/2014/etherpad_archive/ ). Etherdump is built my Michael Murthaugh. Etherdump saves the text, not a database of edits. Author Id is linked to the diffhtml Etherbox is ... a concoction that we've first seen being used by Michael Murtaugh consisting of a Raspberry Pi and a router to make etherpad portable. Etherpad is the core of google docs https://techcrunch.com/2008/11/19/etherpad-shows-google-docs-how-its-done/ Do you know how / where to install plugins for etherpad? From Roel, during the original network setup: Etherpad is still very bare bones. It is run as user etherpad and the files are in /home/etherpad/etherpad-lite/ . There there is a settings.json you might want to look at. It might be nice to install additional plugins, such as the one that allows you to link to other pads using just the [[padname]]. It stores all the data in an sqlite file, see the settings.json. Make a new pad: Possible plug-ins: [[title_of_the_new]] https://framasoft.org/